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Oh yeah, here we go. S1 15th Anniversary Special part 2. Part 1 is here.
The inherent rarity of this video is enough to make me mark. But I have to say a couple things:
- Kojima Minami new hair sucks. Short + curly, looks greasy and bad.
- Kojima Minami is on another league by herself, her acting outperforms her 2 companions here by miles and then some.
- Sakamichi Miru is a total hottie.
- Sakamichi Miru acting sucks. (Forgivable because she is still a rookie… but that was sad).
- Kano Yura is a great balance between the other 2 girls. Damn, this girl is so hot.
- The nurse scenes are awesome…
On the plot: Minami, Yura, and Miru are 3 medical graduate students. They go to a university hospital to conduct a nurse training for two weeks. In the university hospital, they meet with a doctor in charge who begins to manipulate them, traps them and converts them in his sex-pets.
Shit was good and goes straight to my collection. I really hope S1 studio doesn’t make us wait to their 30 year anniversary to see more crazy combos like this one…